By: Ellen Wekall, Atherton Resident since 2013

Psalm 16:5-9
Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; You make my life secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With Him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore, my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices.

Questions for reflection:

  • Is my mindset today about looking for opportunities to celebrate or complain?
  • Who is around me that I can help in some tangible way today?


Thought for today:
King David had many reasons to be a pessimist: Amid his victories in the past, there had also been many days of rejection, betrayal, disappointment, failure, and hardship. Looking at the sum of his life, his family, his kingly reign one could wonder what David had to be so positive about? And yet, David kept a present-tense perspective based upon his rock steady faith in the goodness of God. He considered his past in light God’s work and ways. This kept him tuned to listen for the good word, even during long, lonely nights; Like David, we may have regrets and disappointments in ourselves and others that can tempt us to despair or even bitterness if we rehearse them in our minds from the wrong perspective. David was a daily optimist, despite his failures and he moved into the opportunities God provided because of his confidence that he was never alone. Keeping his eyes on God let him focus on the best of today.

Prayer of Meditation:
Loving God,
Help me celebrate today,
The beauty of the morning as I awaken.
The business during the day,
The opportunity to share the evening with friends, families or even by myself,
The opportunity to rest and sleep.
Guide me so that I can share my life with others,
Extending a hand rather than waiting to be loved.
Help me to see that by sharing my life, my gifts,
That this will bring joy and peace with those that I share my life.